
Silence is seriously underrated in these situations. People feel the need to say something, but very often nothing needs to be said.

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Great piece. Truth. The worst one is, G-d gives us what we can handle. Uh, no. And I'm a believer.

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Oh, that’s a great one, CK. Wish I’d thought of it.

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Jul 26Liked by Chris Stanton

The customer is always right ! Anyone that works in the service industry had heard this. 20 + years ago when I worked in a salon as a hairstylist, that was our mantra back then. As a business owner now I know it isn't true, especially with the entitlement I see now more than ever

I have been guilty of some of those lies too as well 🙃

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SO much entitlement. It's an epidemic. The CDC should spend some time looking into that.

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Jul 26Liked by Chris Stanton

Lol. For sure!! Seriously, was it like this 10 or even 20 years ago or is it because I'm an aging GENXer?

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I honestly don't think it was like this then, but I'm also an aging GENXer so I may not be the one to ask!

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Aug 1Liked by Chris Stanton

I’ve heard that it is, in full, ‘The customer is always right in matters of taste’ - basically don’t tell the customer that their choices suck. It was apparently co-opted by people into the ‘customer is always right’ mantra.

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Who can we talk to about turning it back into its original form?

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me too, but not anymore.

I've been on both sides. It's ugly.

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I saw a fantastic post from a hospital chaplain recently on the damage down by ‘everything happens for a reason’. Like you, I believe it, live and breathe it when it comes to my own life, but the only person we should actually SAY it to is ourselves. Loved these observations; enjoyed your writing style too.

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Thanks so much, Ros! That post from the hospital chaplain sounds REALLY interesting. I’d love to read it if you still know where to find it.

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Thank you, Ros. I agree, what a terrific post. I’ve been thinking of writing about toxic positivity in general, so I appreciated her take on these particular phrases. It was powerful to read her perspective on how they not only don’t help, but can actually cause a lot of harm.

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Everything happens for a reason.

“I’m dying. The reason? I got cancer.”

“My car is smashed. The reason? I had a wreck.”

“I lost my job. The reason? I was downsized.”

“I’m getting a divorce. The reason? Things didn’t work out”

And so on…

See? Reasons.

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A very reasonable take

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There's not enough Karma's in this world to equalize the overpopulation of Gary's, it seems. You are so spot on. Great piece. (And I thought I learned everything when I group of crows is called a murder...a smack of jellyfish...lol.)

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Right? How had I gotten this far along in life without ever having heard “a smack of jellyfish”? Jacques Cousteau really dropped the ball on this one.

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There are indeed bad ideas. They usually start with “hold my beer, I got this”. Don’t get me started on the customers… I like to think there’s a special place in hell for all those people trying to get over. Karma doesn’t make me feel better. I want to SEE justice served.

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Now we're talkin'

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Jul 26Liked by Chris Stanton

There is something very satisfying with seeing justice being served. Enough said ;)

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I sooooooo agree, Jane!!! I saw a guy put TWO bags in the overhead bin and I was about to lose my shit with RAGE! But the flight attendant saw it and asked him to please "shove his smaller item right up his butthole" (I'm paraphrasing) and I swear I've never been happier.

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You know how they say there are no laws in international waters? It should be the same for the sky.

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Jul 27Liked by Chris Stanton

Too funny! I was hoping you'd say all the baggage fell on him, but the comment is pretty sweet

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"Help me Rhonda, help me just finish this book!"

Good times.

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My original subtitle was "Help me Rhonda" but it didn't quite work there, unfortunately

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Did you see Julia Louis-Dreyfus’ film “You Hurt My Feelings?” Exposing the ugly truth, one little white lie at a time.

🤔 Maybe our Hierarchy of Needs should be amended: air, water, food, coffee, shelter, designer clothes and Big Fat Whoppers (not a burger). This would help me process our political as well as planetary climate

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I haven’t seen “Your Hurt My Feelings.” I saw the trailer, though, and it looks interesting.

Sorry Maslow, we’re using Castigliano’s Hierarcy of Needs now. I think we were due for an update and yours seems to make sense for the times we’re living in.

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Aug 18·edited Aug 20Liked by Chris Stanton

Fun, smart and entertaining, thank you, Chris! I'd like to add that some Universities consider students as their customers, and with "the customer is always right" comes wokeism, idiocracy and entitlement (and other corruption).

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Thanks, Robin! I’m glad you enjoyed it!

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Aug 10Liked by Chris Stanton

George Costanza once said, “It’s not a lie if you believe it.” Who knew he lifted from Goebbels?

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I really dislike "everything happens for a reason." If only you, suffering person, were as enlightened as me, you'd have thought of this! It is a way to virtue signal and distance yourself from the suffering person. A twofer of making yourself feel better at the expense of someone who is already suffering. It is usually difficult to improve upon silence when one is with a suffering person.

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All so good.

"You are never given more than you can handle." Hate this.

"You are so strong but I will pray for you anyway."

I am not knocking prayer but how about just show up and do my fucking dishes if you want to help.

I had twins at one pound each, hospital lies and negligence.

27 years later I am still unpacking all the lies I told myself about what happened, because as a woman we hear, "Don't rock the boat, you'll be sorry."


Your place is a shore I am glad to arrive at.

Thank you.

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“I am not knocking prayer but how about just show up and do my fucking dishes if you want to help.” God, I love that.

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As Bowie says "Religion is for those her fear hell. Spirituality is for those who have been there."

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Radical. The caring and comforting lies — yes the utter nonsense lies.

I love this.

I am so tired of the bad ideas - said to be good ideas that suck energy, time, purpose....

The marketing punches that flaunt $$$$ to earn if you follow this or that...

I'm in. and you have a great voice that I can learn from as a newbie here.

"The customer is always right!"

"everything happens for a reason" a bypass at its best. Has to go.

"you mean well" - crap.

I am with you.

Thank you for all of this.

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Jul 30Liked by Chris Stanton

this is great. to quote a recent piece of my writing..... "by employing a deep understanding that how it is meant to turn out, it will. Which is tricky. It’s not the same as touting “everything happens for a reason” — a kind of juvenile statement that is largely one sided. In the real real world we all know that is just not the way."

that is to say, I agree!!!

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We’re definitely on the same page here, Kristen!

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Jul 29Liked by Chris Stanton

Discernment!!! 👏👏

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