The multiverse is one of my favorite theories! I often comfort myself when making difficult decisions with the idea that, somewhere out there, another Holly is out there traversing the other path. And Dark Matter was great.

Thanks for sharing your trip through the box. Love the box as a writing studio and glad the Chris on this plane has concluded he can make as many decisions as he needs be to arrive where the evolving current Chris, exploring universes in writing, wants to go. :)

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Thank you so much for reading and commenting, Holly! I find this subject fascinating. I read Dark Matter a few years ago and was excited when they announced the show. It didn’t disappoint. Please let me know if you have any other recommendations of things to read or watch on this subject.

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You know, I was pretty excited about Dark Matter exactly because I don’t think I’ve run across much that has done it well or at least well and thoroughly. If I run into something, I’ll for sure tell you.

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Excellent. I’ll do the same.

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As someone living in the Pacific NW, I can tell you— there’s a HUGE market for Bigfoot erotica! Get after it, Chris #4!

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Maybe I shouldn’t have judged him so harshly. He could be raking it in with a line of Sweaty Yeti books.

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One man’s small but rabid niche market is the same man’s waterfront home in Key Largo. Or something like that. In any case, Chris #4 is probably writing under a pen name and laughing all the way to the bank!

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Jul 6Liked by Chris Stanton

I watched Dark Matter and there were a number of places it went off the rails. How do 75 Jasons come back to a world that isn’t theirs and try to take Jason 1’s family?

As for Bigfoot erotica… you know I’m wracking my brain for titles 😛 So far all I’ve come up with is Ravaged by a Yeti; Sadie and the Sexy Sasquatch; Naughty Yeti…

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Oh, and I think it has to be Sweaty Yeti

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Here’s what I think happened. It actually was their world too. Each of those Jasons was spun off from Jason 1 as he made choices in the box. So their back stories are exactly the same as his. They got kidnapped, woke up in the lab, etc. Then the Jason 1 we followed made a choice, and one of them spun off due to a different choice. Repeat, repeat, repeat. For all intents and purposes, each is a version of the Jason 1 we met at the beginning. Or I’m dead wrong. Either way, I need a nap.

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Eh... see below.

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Lol Renee, are there really 75 Jasons? I lost my marbles with just the first two and a snow storm 😂 I think i quit the show too early.

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Jul 6Liked by Chris Stanton

Yes -- it's 71-75 Jasons. They say it, I don't remember. Kristi, you quit at the correct moment. When the Bad Jason's GF escaped with Good Jason and she opened the door to a snowpocalypse and WALKED INTO IT, that was when the first wheel came off.

@Chris Stanton's answer to why there are so many, is the reason they give in the show. But if you walk into someone else's world, and decide to leave, you're still you, and the other you in that world stays there. When Bad Jason made the decision to put his work first and not Daniella and their child - he made a decision in that world, while Good Jason made the opposite decision in his world. They both have a Daniella in their world. So to have 75 of them come back to one place vying for her... I can't...

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RIGHT!!!!???? I was like, "Exactly WHAT part of those snow drifts looks even remotely close to the civilization you just came from!!??"

It's too bad though, I wanted to invest in the show because the first couple episodes were good food for thought. But then I just couldn't. And now I can't sleep at night not knowing what happens to the black guy stuck in the tunnel forever. He was still in there when I left.

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He’s still in there when it ends too. They kind of abandoned that Leighton, story-wise, but we do see another Leighton.

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Seriously? Why do they always do that to the black guy?

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That’s so true! I will say that in this case, he was a pretty bad guy so at least it was deserved.

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Jul 6Liked by Chris Stanton

Don’t worry about Leighton. You should be feeling bad about super genius Ryan who made the serum only to have Bad Jason abandon him in some random world; and replace him with drunk, car mechanic Ryan…. maybe you should just watch before I tell you the whole thing ;)

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What he did to car mechanic Ryan was colder than the aforementioned tundra.

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They exceeded your OJC (Optimal Jason Count). Seriously, I hear you. Some of it was like, “Now, wait a minute…” Especially going out into the frozen tundra for absolutely no reason.

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Jul 6Liked by Chris Stanton

The 75 Jasons also had different wedding bands on. One did have the hair band on his finger and I found that odd. That was how we were supposed to identify good Jason.

See the debate your piece inspired? WINNA!!

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Maybe my next essay should be about the Sopranos finale!

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Jul 6Liked by Chris Stanton

That’s a simple yes or no. Its not as nuanced. It’s a no for me on the Soprano ending.

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I bought a similar box, but Joes 1, 2, 3 and 4 all ended up in the same place: right here. Turns out if all of the multiverse's Joes procrastinate we all end up mortgage brokers with no writing career.

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Haha I guess on the bright side, it keeps things tidy.

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Jul 20Liked by Chris Stanton

Great concept, Chris. Playing the “what if” game is a fun ride.

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Thanks, Bill! I’m glad you enjoyed it.

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Loved that show, loved this post, snort laughed at “quarks”… overall glad to live in the universe with this Chris.

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Thank you so much, Karmen! You just made my day.

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This was a wonderful mind-bending piece that touched on many concepts I've felt in recent years and left me feeling pretty grateful about the road I did take.

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Thank you, Beth! I'm glad to hear that.

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Funny you wrote this when you did because I just started watching the series last week. But I crapped out once they hit the long dark tunnel and the winter blizzard. Once I can't figure out where they're supposed to go, I can't watch it anymore. Just like that one series about 3 dead bodies in 3 different centuries all linked together. My brain exploded a little.

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I totally get the brain explosion with this show!

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Einstein the dog got me 🤣

Loved this read. Love the concept of the multiverse- did you watch Loki?? We need a part 2 based on the TVA. Encore!

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Thanks, K! I haven’t gotten around to watching Loki. I’ve heard good things about it, though, so I should!

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In some universe- you already did! 💚

But srsly, please give it a try on this time line. If you need my sons password to Disney+, consider it yours 😂

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Ha, I do have a Disney+ subscription, but that’s a generous offer—thank you! But if you want to mess with your son and would like me to screw up his playlists and recommendations, shoot me that PW and I’ll get to work. 😆

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Mikey Mouse Clubhouse won’t stand a CHANCE 😂

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Jul 5Liked by Chris Stanton

A great read and excellent journey. Imagine if that radio station existed. Even the most positive optimist could not cope with listening to Sousa marches all day.

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Thank you, Ofifoto! And yeah, the dance clubs in that universe must be absolutely bananas.

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What a great way to arrive at self acceptance and no-regrets. Current Chris seems to be doing just fine. 😊

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Thanks, CK!

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This is terrific. I’d like to borrow your box.

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Thanks, David! And anytime. But I should warn you it’s about 3,000 pounds.

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