Jun 27Liked by Chris Stanton

Great post. Your tribe are the ones who'll pick you up when you're down, laugh at your jokes, and tell you when your fly's undone - made you look! 😝 We don't love your work unconditionally, though. We are the ones who will question, consider, push you (and themselves) to be better and then stick around to do it all again, and again.

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Perfectly said, Ofifoto! I love that. Your tribe will also let you know when you have spinach in your teeth or toilet paper stuck to the bottom of your shoe.

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Jun 28Liked by Chris Stanton

Oh, crap! Again?

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Yeah, right in the middle there. If you don’t have a toothpick, a business card or a matchbook could probably get it. Or the corner of the toilet paper from the bottom of your shoe.

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I love the way you create distance between fear and who we are really are. A great reminder when that lizard brain kicks in.

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Thanks so much, Karin! I really appreciate that.

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LOVE THIS! I hope this goes without saying but we're clearly in a tribe together, right? And we are probably getting kicked out but not because we suck-- more like because we made inappropriate comments during dinner with our elders.

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Oh we are most definitely in a tribe together. The thing is, I’m pretty sure our tribe was founded on a love of inappropriate comments. So we’ll be fine.

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Oooooh so we’re highly revered in our tribe. Finally!!!

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Right? It just goes to show, if you wait long enough, miracles do happen!

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Great post and I especially like all of the F's - "Besides fear, there’s fight, flight, feeding, freezing, and crowd favorite fornication" - Brilliant! There goes the lizard brain again.

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Thanks, Sarah! That lizard brain sure does have strong opinions, right?

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Clever and enjoyable. I especially appreciate the voiceover.

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Thanks so much, Sarah! I’m happy that you enjoyed the voiceover.

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Chris we are drinking similar energetic kool-aid this week! My forthcoming post overlaps here quite complimentarily! And I will say for me, the more I push on in spite of the fear, the less control it has over me!

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Very cool! I can’t wait to read it, Caroline. And I agree 100%—the more you feel the fear and do it anyway, the weaker the fear becomes!

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My brain has gone but this seems ... worth revisiting. Stopped in to see what condition my condition was in. Will "circle back." hee hee.

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Thanks for reading, Michael! And for the excellent song reference.

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Thanks for the motivation!

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Thanks for reading, Alexis!

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Excellent essay. Did you know that fear and excitement light up in the same area of the brain?

I turned on the unsubscribe indicator so I know when/who someone unsubscribes. I’m going to turn it back off again. I started guessing their reasons why and my mind took me to some ugly assumptions.

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Thanks, CK. I did NOT know that about fear and excitement. That’s really interesting.

I completely get where you’re coming from. I didn’t realize I had the unsubscribe indicator on until I got a notification that someone unsubscribed. I know it’s not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but I was unprepared. Didn’t like it one bit. I turned that thing off as fast as I could.

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Well said. I also love it when you know you’re good/knowledgeable at/about something and then people use random, unfounded examples to show you how you’re wrong… it can get in your head sometimes.

Also, I see what you did here 😊 “I only chose Taylor Swift because of the SEO implications of including her name—that’s Taylor Swift’s name”

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Right? I know exactly where you’re coming from! People can be exhausting. (But not Taylor Swift. Never her—Taylor Swift, that is.)

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😂 You’re 100% correct, never Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift is not that kind of gal.

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Okay, hold on a sec. Neil deGrasse Tyson is not sexy enough to swagger sensually? Does his wife know this? Who’s gonna tell him?

I liked this more than I expected despite Neil being thrown under the bus.

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Admittedly, his wife disagrees with me on this point. Her pet name for him is Neil DeAss Tyson. Claims he can make her see stars. (Hey, you asked.)

I’m always happy when I exceed one’s low expectations.

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I don’t want it to be lost in our banter—I really enjoy your writing Chris! Your humor and take on this is right up my alley. When I see your posts in my inbox, they are the first I read. And I am also grateful and appreciative of the engagement you offer in these back and forth comments. Thank you for indulging me and I look forward to reading so much more from you.

But to be honest, getting the visual of Neil deAss Tyson out of my mind is gonna take a few days. Thanks for that. (I guessing he’s one person we might hope isn’t yet a subscriber of yours. But Neil, if you are reading, I love you man!)

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It would be great if he’d start doing Star Talk with a slower cadence and some smooth jazz in the background. And I agree—Renee fits right in!

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And the only thing he be wearing is that sexy (apparently) celestial vest. These visuals aren’t getting better, y’all. Now, I’m not worried Neil might be reading in, I’m worried his wife is!

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I think she’d appreciate the tribute. But we’d better not push our luck.

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Kert, thank you so much for your incredibly kind words. It makes me happy when anyone likes something I write, but to know that someone actually looks forward to it is just the greatest feeling. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you; it’s always a treat seeing your name pop up. It’s been so fun volleying back and forth with you.

If it’s any consolation I’ve also cursed myself with the deAss visual. It’s like an eclipse; you shouldn’t stare directly at it, even in your imagination.

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I second this. All except getting NDT out of my mind. Who else is there to fantasize about when you’ve been married for 20 years 🤷🏻‍♀️

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I didn’t realize NDT was such a heartthrob. It’s great that he could fill the sexual void left by Carl Sagan.

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I think it’s those sexy celestial vests he wears. 😍

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I was going to say that! Too funny.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29Liked by Chris Stanton

Why do I have a feeling, Renee, that you’re gonna fit right in on this thread!

I’ve been married over 30 years—and you might be right! I won’t tell your husband if you don’t tell my wife.

Hi again Neil!

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Thank you Kert. It’s an honor just to be nominated. @chris Stanton had Taylor Swift, we can share NDT.

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There’s plenty of him to go around.

No offense Neil.

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